How to get your wishes granted by a shooting star

Lore holds that you are granted a wish when you see a shooting star. At first glance it seems to be obvious that shooting stars do not have wish-granting powers since they are just small tiny rocks burning up in the atmosphere. On second glance however are a lot of people doing it and I wouldn’t be surprised if seeing a shooting star and formulating a wish does not enhance the chances of that wish coming true. My rationale behind this came when I recently saw a shooting star and was implicitly offered my wish. In the first second several trivial things sprang to mind. However, wishing for fame, fortune or things in that direction felt wrong. It took me several minutes of hard thinking to come up with a good and realistic wish that would really enhance my life and this is probably the power of the shooting star. Once you see one you are really forced to formulate your wish and just knowing what wish you would like to see granted will allow you to focus on it and will greatly enhance the chances of this wish coming true.

It took me quite a while to work out some sensible guidelines to shooting-star wishing that might actually get granted:

  1. Don’t wish for something you have no control over. Wishing to win the lottery won’t help a bit because small pieces of rock burning up in the atmosphere do not influence plastic balls several days later.
  2. Wishing for something fairly general like “I wish I were happier” or “I wish work wouldn’t be so hard” is a good start because it will guide your thought process to the thing that’s bothering you most at the moment. Try to think of a more concrete wish. What could happen that would help you with your problem?
  3. Try to wish for something small that would make your life better. The smaller the better. It will cost a lot of brain-power to find this small grain of sand that is keeping the machine from running smoothly but it is probably worth it.
  4. Shooting stars don’t work linearly. If you see four shooting stars you are not granted four wishes. Try to focus on one wish at a time.
  5. Write down your wish and pin it somewhere where you will see it every day for a week. Just keeping the wish active in your mind will help.
  6. Try to think of a small active step you can take to help the shooting-star change the probabilities in your favor.

As it turned out I got my wish granted. Ok, it wasn’t the Lamborghini Gallardo I first wished for and it also took some work for me to get this wish but it was a small thing which actually made my life a bit easier. Shooting stars do grant wishes but only if (and only because) you formulate your wishes precisely and don’t wish for something that is not completely out of your hands. It’s like a metaphysical placebo effect 🙂

1 comment so far

  1. chouettes on

    What did you wish for??

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